Events, job offers, partnerships...
The power of the collective at your service
By pooling the resources and strengths of 18 alumni associations from prestigious Grandes Écoles,
Whats4u is at your service to help you design the professional path that suits you.
All the alumni services

"Les Rencontres Whats4u" serve as flagship events. Twice a year, they convene recruiters seeking excellence and talents from the top engineering and management schools. These meetings are organized around two main components: a Parisian afterwork for informal and relaxed exchanges, and two days of online job dating in response to specific job offers or for spontaneous applications.

Six times a year, we convene online for a 45-minute roundtable discussion on the evolution of a sector or a current issue, followed by 45 minutes of networking among alumni. The aim is to allow participants to share their perspectives on ongoing transformations and their impact on the professional opportunities available to our alumni, as well as to enrich the network of the participating alumni.

Faced with the abundance of data available on the internet regarding job offers, our approach is to identify recruiters who are particularly interested in talents from our member schools by pooling job offers posted directly by recruiters or alumni to Whats4u or to each of the member alumni associations. These job offers are directly published on the job boards of each alumni association.

Thanks to our partnership with GoinGlobal, we provide alumni with expert resources designed to facilitate their international professional mobility. This includes country-specific guides (employment market trends, administrative procedures, cost of living and salary levels, CVs, interviews, etc.), a search engine covering over 16 million job and internship offers, a directory of key employers, and tools to best understand cultural differences.

Seven member associations (Polytechnique, CentraleSupelec, Arts et Métiers, EDHEC, emlyon, KEDGE, and AFLZ) enable their alumni to benefit from the partnership between Whats4u and EdFlex, the online learning specialist. Hundreds of resources are made available to alumni so they can enhance their skills and become proactive in their professional development. EdFlex aggregates the best in training content: a variety of formats available, constantly updated content, and an expert chat for personalized suggestions.

Whats4u remains constantly attentive to the needs of alumni and on the lookout for existing solutions in the market to best support the professional paths of our alumni. If you have a partnership suggestion that could serve our mission, do not hesitate to contact us. We strongly believe in the richness of collaborations and collective intelligence!